2021 Herald Sun/Transurban Run for the Kids and Virtual R4k 2021 Entrant Terms and Conditions
Event Location means any venue, precinct, road or pathway public or private used to host any element of Herald Sun/Transurban Run for the Kids
Event Owner means The Herald and Weekly Times Pty Ltd ABN 49 004 113 937 (“HWT”).
Event Organiser means the entity engaged by the Event owner to organise the Physical Event. In 2021, the Event Organiser is O2 Events Pty Ltd (ABN: 23 634 038 789).
Events means the Physical Event and the Virtual Event and Event means one or other of them as relevant.
Event website means http://www.runforthekids.com.au/
Physical Event means the mass-participation fun run/walk which takes place in Docklands and which includes both the 15km course and the 5.2km course. The route for each course is shown on: http://www.runforthekids.com.au/.
Race Manager means The Herald and Weekly Times Pty Ltd ABN 49 004 113 937 (“HWT”, “us” or “we”).
Team Administrator means the individual over the age of 18 years responsible for creating and managing a team entry in Herald Sun/Transurban Run for the Kids.
Virtual Event means 90 minutes of a nominated activity selected and completed by an entrant in a manner chosen by them, at locations chosen by them within the Virtual Event Period.
Virtual Event Period means the period between 12.01am on Sunday, March 28, 2021 (AEDT) and 11.59pm on Friday, April 2, 2021 (AEDT).
Entrant terms and Conditions
1) All entrants are required to complete and submit an official online entry and pay an official entry fee and any applicable registration fees or merchant fees as nominated in the entry process to participate in one or both Event/s. The entry form is only valid for the person whose name and address details are listed.
2) Each entrant hereby acknowledges and agrees that their entry fee is non-refundable except as referenced in clause 21 or as required by law.
3) Each entrant may only submit a maximum of one entry for each Event.
4) Each entrant understands that their online entry and payment is valid only for the Event and distance stated.
5) Each entrant acknowledges that participating in any Event/s may involve a real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including over exertion, dehydration, and accidents with other participants, spectators or road users.
6) Each entrant acknowledges that (to the extent permitted by law) they participate in the Event/s at their own risk and in consideration of, and as a condition of acceptance of, their entry into the Event/s each entrant agrees to release and indemnify (to the extent permitted by law) the Event Owner, the Event Organiser, the Event sponsors and each of their agents, affiliates, employees, members and volunteers (“those indemnified”) from any and all liability (including without limitation liability in negligence) relating to an entrant’s:
i) death; or
ii) illness; or
iii) physical or mental injury (including the aggravation, acceleration or reoccurrence of an injury),
unless that death or injury was caused by the reckless conduct or reckless disregard of those indemnified.
7) Each entrant should seek medical advice to ensure they are fit to compete and this advice must be obtained regularly and with the specific demands of the Event/s in mind.
8) Each entrant recognises the difficulties of the Event/s and attests that they are physically fit to compete safely in the Event/s and that they have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical practitioner.
9) If an entrant becomes aware of any medical condition or impairment that will be detrimental to their health if they participate in the Event/s, or are otherwise sick or injured prior to the Event/s, they must withdraw from the Event/s.
10) Each entrant consents to receive medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during the Physical Event. In the event of injury, accident and/or illness, costs of medical treatment and ambulance transportation are the responsibility of the entrant.
11) Each entrant must provide an emergency contact name and phone number and agrees that the Event Organiser or Event Owner may contact that person and exchange personal information with them in case of an emergency.
12) Entrants must ensure that their ability to participate in the Event/s is not significantly impaired by alcohol or drugs. Entrants must not behave in a manner that is offensive or aggressive, that may diminish the reputation of the Event/s (or of the Event Owner or Event Organiser) is contrary to law or is otherwise inappropriate. If the Event Owner or Event Organiser considers that an entrant breaches this clause, they may disqualify the entrant and direct the entrant to cease participation in the Event/s immediately and the entrant must comply.
13) Each entrant agrees to obey and accept the Event rules and any other instructions of the Event Owner or Event Organiser or their nominees (whether announced on the day of an Event or otherwise).
14) The Event Owner and Event Organiser’s decisions will be final and no correspondence or disputes entertained.
15) If an entrant is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must read the Competitor Declaration and these terms and conditions of entry and accept them on their behalf. If an entrant is under 16 years of age they must also be accompanied by an adult when competing in the Event/s.
16) Each entrant agrees that they will not attend the Physical Event if the following apply:
a. Entrant displays symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) such as: cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath on the day of the Event or at any time in the 14 days prior to the Event;
b. Entrant is positive for coronavirus (COVID 19);
c. Entrant has been in contact, or suspects they have been in contact with a person who is diagnosed as coronavirus (COVID 19) positive in the 14 days prior to the event or on the day of the Event;
d. Entrant has travelled overseas in the previous 14 days;
e. Entrant is required to be in quarantine or isolation.
17) Each entrant agrees that they will comply with all Event safety protocols and directions including those requirements specifically relating to COVID 19. Such protocols and directions may be advised by written communication, social media, verbal messaging or announcements, or signage displayed at an Event. Safety protocols and directions may include:
a. Physical distancing requirements;
b. Hand Hygiene requirements;
c. Check in requirements including answering COVID 19 related questions in the lead up to and upon arrival at the Event;
d. Density Limits;
e. Capacity limits within the Race venue and start location;
f. Staggered Event start times;
g. Wearing of face masks;
h. Access and Egress requirements;
If the Event Owner or Event Organiser considers that an entrant breaches this clause, they may disqualify the entrant and direct the entrant to cease participation in the relevant Event immediately and the entrant must comply.
18) Each entrant acknowledges and agrees that the Event Owner and Event Organiser may refuse access to the Event/s or require an entrant to leave an Event and/or Event Location including the course route for the Physical Event immediately for the following reasons:
a. For failure to comply with safety protocols and directions as outlined in clause 21;
b. For failure to comply with health and safety directions of the Event Organiser or Event Owner;
c. Entrant displays symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) such as: cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath, or the Event Owner, Event Organiser or their representatives believes the entrant may have or be carrying COVID 19;
d. Entrant has been directed to isolate or quarantine ;
19) Entrants agree to notify the Event Owner if they develop symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) such as: cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath within 14 days of participating in or attending the Physical Event. Notification can be made by email to admin@r4k.com.au or by telephone on 03 9292 2510.
20) Entrants acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and accept the risk that they may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by participation in the Physical Event or attendance at any relevant venue or race area for the Physical Event, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death.
Event cancellation
21) Entrants acknowledge and agree that the Event Owner and Event Organiser reserve the right to postpone or cancel the Event/s for any reason
If an Event is postponed, all entries will be transferred to the new event date.
If an Event is cancelled, entrants will be provided with the following options:
a. Transfer their entry to a future event
b. Transfer their entry fee to the Good Friday Appeal as a donation
c. Request a refund of their entry fee (less applicable delivery fee and additional donations) by the deadline provided by the Event Owner. Requests for refunds made after the deadline will not be processed.
Entrants will be notified of postponements and cancellations via the email address provided in their event entry and via Herald Sun/Transurban Run for the Kids social media. Details on the process to request a refund due to Event cancellation will be provided via email.
Event communications
22) All entrants consent to receiving SMS messages containing safety instructions or emergency management information related to the Event/s. These messages will not include marketing or promotional information.
23) Each entrant consents to the publication and/or use in any form of media whatsoever including Social Media, of their name, personal information, timing data, image and statements in any context pertaining to the Event/s or otherwise during or after the Event/s whether for advertising, promotions or otherwise for no fee or remuneration.
Training program
24) Each entrant agrees to undertake sufficient training prior to their participation in the Event/s.
Additional terms and conditions specific to the Virtual event
25) Entrants must register for the Virtual Event as per clause 1 of these terms and conditions. During the registration process, each entrant must nominate the qualifying activity they will complete within the Virtual Event Period.
26) Entrants must participate in 90 minutes of their nominated activity within the Virtual Event Period.
27) Entries for the Virtual Event close on Friday, April 2, 2021 at 10.30pm AEDT. Entry is not approved until the Race Manager has processed payment and confirms entry by email.
Virtual Event Entry fees and Race bibs
28) Virtual Event bibs will be provided to entrants as a digital download.
29) Details on how to download a digital event bib will be provided to entrants upon completion of their entry.
Virtual Event Participation
30) Virtual Event entrants acknowledge and agree they will participate and complete their nominated activity in a manner chosen by them, at locations chosen by them and at their own risk in compliance with any parameters specified at or before the time of registration including that the activity can be taken in up to 3 separate blocks, each block being for no less than 30 minutes, provided each block is completed during the Virtual Event period.
31) Virtual Event entrants acknowledge and agree that the Event Owner and Event Organiser will not provide physical support including aid stations, medical support, volunteers, marshals or medical assistance to any entrant.
32) Virtual Event entrants agree that they have selected an appropriate activity, location and conditions for their level of fitness.
33) Virtual Event entrants agree to adhere to local traffic and road laws and all other laws and regulations when participating in their Virtual Event.
Virtual Event tracking
34) Virtual Event entrants acknowledge that neither the Event Organiser nor Event Owner nor Race Manager will track or verify results and that entrants are not required to track their participation in their Virtual Event.
35) Upon completion of their Virtual Event, Virtual Event entrants may visit the Virtual Event page of the runforthekids.com.au to submit the details of their Virtual Event and upload a photograph. Virtual Event entrants who choose to track or record their participation will be eligible to receive a Virtual Event participation certificate.
36) Each Virtual Event entrant acknowledges and agrees that the Event Organiser and Event Owner may change the format or event period or other parameters of the Virtual Event to accommodate matters which are beyond their control including changes to government regulations, public health orders or laws or issues relating to a pandemic or epidemic. The Event Owner will notify Virtual Event entrants of the revised format or event period of the Virtual Event by email and the Herald Sun/Transurban Run for the Kids Facebook page. No refunds will be payable for these changes provided there can still be a Virtual Event though possibly with different parameters or different activities.
Additional terms and conditions for the Physical Event
37) The Physical Event date is Sunday, August 29 ,2021.
38) To participate in the Physical Event, entrants must have registered for the Physical Event as per clause 1 of these terms and conditions. During the registration process, each entrant must select a colour zone, which corresponds to an assembly zone at the start line.
39) Physical Event entrants must participate in course and the distance stated on their registration, and must commence the Event within the colour zone selected at time of entry and shown on their race bib. Entrants commencing outside of their colour zone will be disqualified.
40) The route for each distance of Physical Event is shown on: http://www.runforthekids.com.au/.
41) The start line for the Physical Event is located in Harbour Esplanade, Docklands, Victoria.
42) Physical Event Entrants are required to assemble at their startline in their nominated colour zone prior to the start time of their event.
43) Start time for Physical Event entrants in the 5.2km course is 9:50am. Start times for the 15km course are 8:30am(AEDT) for wheelchair participants and 8:32am (AEDT) for other entrants.
44) Each Physical Event entrant acknowledges and agrees that the Event Organiser and Event Owner may change the start time, location or format of the Physical Event and/or may alter the course routes at any time up until the start of the Physical Event. Alterations may include changes to the course route, change of distance or any other changes to accommodate matters beyond the control of the Event Organiser and Event Owner including changes to government regulations, public health orders or laws or issues relating to a pandemic or epidemic, issues relating to or arising from natural occurrences such as flood or manmade problems which impact the proposed route or other changes in direction from State, Federal or Local Government, Police, Department of Transport, Transurban or any other organisations involved with the Physical Event. The Event Owner will notify entrants of any of these changes via email and the Herald Sun/Transurban Run for the Kids Facebook page. No refunds will be payable for any such changes provided the Physical Event can still take place with both a short and a longer course.
Refunds and Withdrawals for the Physical Event
45) If a Physical Event entrant withdraws for medical reasons, subject to provision of a medical certificate, they may be permitted to nominate a substitute Physical Event entrant to participate in their place or transfer their entry to a future Physical Event. Approval for a substitute Physical Event entrant or transfer of entry to a future Physical Event is at the discretion of the Race Manager.
46) A request for a substitute Physical Event entrant can be made by completing a Run for the Kids Substitute entrant request form and submitting it so that it is received prior to 5pm on Friday August 13, 2021 (AET) Substitute entrant request forms are available by contacting the Run for the Kids Race Office by email at: admin@r4k.com.au. An additional fee of $15 is payable at the time the form is lodged. This additional fee will cover the administrative costs associated with processing the request form, and will not be donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
47) If substitution is approved, then the substitute Physical Event entrant must complete and submit an official entry form and submit it so that it is received prior to 5pm on Friday August 13, 2020 (AET) to ensure that the substitution will be considered valid. Only the personal details of the person competing can be changed and the substitute Physical Event entrant must compete in the distance stated in the original entry form and must commence the Physical Event within the colour zone shown on the race number already issued.
48) A request for transfer to a future Physical Event can be made by completing a Run for the Kids Transfer to a future event request form and submitting it so that it is received prior to 5pm on Friday August 13, 2020 (AET). Transfer to a future event request forms are available by contacting the Run for the Kids Race Office by email at: admin@r4k.com.au and an additional fee of $15 is payable at the time the form is lodged. This additional fee will cover the administrative costs associated with processing the request form, and will not be donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
49) If transfer to a future Physical Event is approved, the Physical Event entrant will be automatically entered into the 2022 Herald Sun/Transurban Run for the Kids in the same distance and colour zone as selected for the original entry. Confirmation will be sent to the entrant.
50) Nothing in these terms (or any other terms relating to the Event) limits any guarantee, warranty or condition implied by statute that cannot be excluded. The liability of the Event Owner and the Event Organiser will (where permissible under statute) be limited to (at the discretion of The Event Owner or the Event Organiser), in the case of goods, the replacement or repair of the goods or payment for the replacement of the goods, and in the case of services, the resupply of the services or payment for the value of the services.
Under the Australian Consumer Law (Victoria), several statutory guarantees apply to the supply of certain goods and services. These guarantees mean that the supplier named on this form is required to ensure that the recreational services it supplies to you –
• are rendered with due care and skill; and
• are reasonably fit for any purpose which you, either expressly or by implication, make known to the supplier; and
• might reasonably be expected to achieve any result you have made known to the supplier.
Under section 22 of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012, the supplier is entitled to ask you to agree that these statutory guarantees do not apply to you. If you agree to these terms and conditions you will be agreeing that your rights to sue the supplier under the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 if you are killed or injured because the services provided were not in accordance with these guarantees are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in this waiver.
NOTE: The change to your rights, as set out in this waiver, does not apply if your injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier’s part. Gross negligence in relation to an act or omission, means doing the act or omitting to do the act with reckless disregard, with or without consciousness, for the consequences of the act or omission. See regulation 5 of the Australian Consumer Law and section 23(3)(b) of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012.
Event capacity and time limits for the Physical Event
51) Subject to the maximum number of participants being reached earlier, team and individual entries for the Physical Event close on to 5pm on Friday August 13, 2021 (AET). Entry is not approved until the Race Manager has processed payment and confirms entry by email.
52) The maximum number of participants in the short course (5.2km) for the Physical Event has been limited to 16000. The maximum number of total entrants (including entrants in both the 5.2km and 15km courses) for the Physical Event has been limited to 40,000.
53) A time limit until 12.30pm for the completion of both courses for the Physical Event is imposed. Participating Entrants in the 15km Event must have passed the Swan Street Bridge by 11:15am (AET). Participating Entrants who fail to reach the Swan Street Bridge by 11:15am (AET) and are still on the course at that time will be transported by bus to the next aid station.
Changes to distance or colour zone for the Physical Event
54) Each entrant agrees that if, after having entered the Physical Event they wish to change from the distance originally entered to another distance, or the colour zone originally entered to another colour zone within the Physical Event, such changes are conditional upon the selected distance or colour zone entry capacity not having been reach at the time the change request is processed by the Race Manager. Change to distance or colour zone are at the discretion of the Race Manager.
55) A request for alteration of distance or colour zone can be made by completing a Run for the Kids entry change request form and submitting it so that it is received prior to 5pm on Friday August 13, 2021(AET). Entry change request forms are available by contacting the Run for the Kids Race Office by email at: admin@r4k.com.au. An additional fee of $15 is payable at the time the form is lodged. This additional fee will cover the administrative costs associated with processing the request form, and will not be donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
56) Each Physical Event entrant agrees that if they change distance from the Long course distance to the Short course distance, no refund is payable for the difference in entry fee.
57) Each Physical Event entrant agrees that if they change distance from the Short course distance to the long course distance they will be required to pay the difference between the short course entry fee and the long course entry fee.
Race Kits and Timing for the Physical Event
58) Race kits will be mailed to all Physical Event entrants. Race Kit mail outs will commence in July 2021.
59) Entries will not be accepted on the day of the Event. Race kit collection will not be permitted on the day of the Physical Event except where a replacement kit is required. Collection of a replacement kit will be made available at the discretion of the Race Manager.
60) The race kit will include a timing tag attached to the back of the race bib to enable each Physical Event entrant’s run to be timed. Physical Event entrants must not tamper with the timing tag attached to their race bib. Timing services are provided by Timing Sports. The Event Owner and the Event Organiser take no responsibility for errors or omissions in the timing data, subject to law.
61) By participating in the Physical Event and wearing the race bib, each Physical Event entrant consents to the Event Owner, Event Organiser and Timing Sports collecting and publishing the entrant’s timing data and personal information including name, year of birth, gender, bib number, event time and event placing and retaining and displaying this data in perpetuity.
62) All participants will be timed using electronic timing which will record the time elapsed between the participant crossing the start line and finish line. Official race results will be determined by the order in which participants reach the finish line in accordance with the International Association of Athletics Federation rules of competition.
63) Timing tags will be disposable. Physical Event entrants are not required to return timing tags at the end of the race.
64) Physical Event entrants may choose to have their personal times for the Physical Event event sent to them via SMS (“SMS Service”) in which case they will be charged a fee of $3. Physical Event entrants who choose to have their personal times for the Physical Event sent to them via SMS acknowledge and agree that their personal information (including individual race times for the course, name and mobile number) will be used by the Event Organiser, Event Owner and Timing Sports in order to provide the SMS Service. The Event Organiser, Event Owner and Timing Sports will not be liable for any problems associated with providing the SMS Service due to mobile congestion, technical malfunction or otherwise, or as a result of issues associated with timing tags. The fees associated with the SMS Service will not be refunded if an entrant changes their mind about participating in the Event.
65) Results including race name, number, distance and time will be posted on the Event website and may be published in the Herald Sun newspaper and digital media.
66) The Herald Sun will publish training programs for competitors leading up to the Event/s, including tips from champion marathoner Steve Moneghetti.
Event day participation
67) Each Physical Event entrant agrees that they will not participate in the Physical Event using roller skates/blade, skateboards, scooters or bicycles.
68) Each Physical Event entrant agrees that they will not bring pets/animals to the Physical Event except registered support animals.
69) Each Physical Event entrant will report any accidents, injuries, loss or damaged suffered during the Physical Event to the Event Organiser before leaving the Event Location or course route.
Baggage for the Physical Event
70) Each Physical Event entrant acknowledges and agrees that they are responsible for their personal possessions and athletic equipment during the Physical Event and related activities. The Event Organiser will provide a secure area for participants’ clothing only in the Event Precinct near the start line (which is in Docklands). Items left in the secure area must be contained in clear plastic bags. Backpacks, suitcases and other large bags will not be accepted for storage in the secure area. Valuable items including money should not be placed in baggage or left in the Event Precinct and (to the extent permitted by law) none of the Event Organiser, Event Owner or Race Manager will have any liability for loss or damage of personal possessions.
Additional terms and conditions for teams participating in the Physical Event
71) There are four categories of teams:
a. Corporate: Corporate teams are those with six or more runners representing a corporation, company or an organisation who are all bona fide employees of the corporation, company or organisation being represented.
b. Community: Community teams are those with six or more runners representing a sporting or social club or non-profit organisation who are all bona fide members of the club or organisation being represented.
c. School teams: School teams are those with six of more runners representing a school who are all bona fide students at the same Primary or Secondary school or Tertiary Institution.
d. Family and Friends Team: Family and Friends teams are those with six or more runners who are participating in the event in support of one another.
72) The Event Owner may at any stage require any or all participants in a corporate, community, or school team to provide evidence to the Event Owner’s satisfaction that they are an employee, member or student(as the case may be) of the organisation that they are representing, and/or to execute a statutory declaration confirming their valid participation in the team. The Event Owner may in its sole discretion determine if a person is a valid participant in a corporate, community or school team, and may disqualify a team if any person in the team is not deemed by the Event Owner to be a valid participant in the team. The decision of the Event Owner will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
73) Teams must consist of a minimum of 6 participants. There is no maximum number of team participants. However, in order for a team to be eligible for team prizes a minimum of 6 team members from that team must participate in the 15km course. Team prizes (if applicable) will only be awarded on the basis of the first six team runners in the 15km course.
74) All team entries must be submitted by website only. Each team must nominate a team administrator who is over the age of 18 years. The Team administrator is responsible for creating the team within the event registration platform.
75) When choosing and referring to a team name, teams must choose a name that is unambiguous and not offensive as it will be used at all times for consistency, to assist with administration of entries and processing of results.
76) Once a team is created, individuals may complete the entry process and elect to join an existing team. Alternatively, the nominated team administrator may complete the entry process for all participants in their team. This includes supplying the email address of each member of the team. Team members without an email address will not be able to enter.
77) The team administrator must only provide the details of team members who have consented to being team members and having their details supplied on their behalf by the team administrator. Where a team member is under 18 years of age the team administrator must have the consent of that team member’s parent or guardian to supply their details.
78) All individual members of the team must be aware of and have read the Competitor’s Declaration and these terms and conditions of entry. By participating in the Event participants will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions of entry and the Competitor’s Declaration. Where a team member is under 18 years of age a parent or guardian must read the Competitor’s Declaration and these terms and conditions of entry and accept them on their behalf.
79) During the team creation process, the team administrator will have the option to select the method of delivery of all team race kits. Race kits for all team members will be delivered via the method selected by the team administrator.
80) During the team creation process, the team administrator will have the option to select the method of payment for all team members. Where the team administrator selects the “Pay Now” option, team members will be responsible for payment of their own entry. Where the team administrator selects the “Pay Later” option, the team administrator will be responsible for payment of all entries for all team members. Team members are not considered to be entrants in the Event until payment has been received.
The remaining clauses apply to each Event.
Online Fundraising
81) GoFundraise Pty Ltd provides an online fundraising and entrant sponsorship facility for entrants in the Event.
a. During the registration process, entrants will be given the option to have an online fundraising page automatically created on their behalf and a link to their page emailed directly to them. If the entrant selects ‘yes’ to the option to have an online fundraising page automatically created, the personal data from their race entry, including name, address, telephone number and email address will be automatically provided to GoFundraise for the purposes of creating an online fundraising page. The link and login details for the online fundraising page will be emailed to the entrant within 7 days from completion of entry registration.
b. At the completion of the online registration process, entrants will be given an option to create a Go Fundraising online fundraising page. If entrants have already created a page under paragraph a. above, they should not click on the “Good Friday Appeal” fundraising link on the confirmation screen or their E-ticket. If an entrant chooses to click on the “Good Friday Appeal” fundraising link on the confirmation screen or their E-ticket, the personal data from their race entry, including name, address, telephone number and email address will be automatically populated on the GoFundraise registration page. GoFundraise will not store an entrant’s personal information until the entrant has completed the GoFundraise registration process. If an entrant chooses not to click on the Good Friday Appeal Fundraising link, no personal data will be provided to GoFundraise (unless the entrant has already clicked yes to the GoFundraise fundraising automatic page option under paragraph a. above). Entrants can choose to create a GoFundraising online fundraising page at any time by visiting www.runforthekids.com.au.
Use of Personal information
82) By registering for Herald Sun/Transurban Run for the Kids, each registrant (“you”) consent to your personal information being used for the purposes set out below:
HWT collects information about you, including for example your name, phone number and contact details which you provide when registering for the Event, as well as information from data houses, social media services, our affiliates and other entities you deal or interact with for example by using their services.
We collect and use this information for the purposes of Event administration, promotion, to provide you with targeted advertising based on your online activities, to improve the Event or future events, to notify you of future events which may be of interest to you (including future Run for the Kids events), for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy and for any other purposes that we describe at the time of collection.
83) HWT may disclose your information to its related companies, including those located outside Australia as described in our Privacy Policy. It may also disclose information to the organisations set out below:
i. Nike (prize provider – to enable prize distribution): You can seek access to personal information that Nike holds about you by contacting the Nike privacy office on (03) 9292 9333.
ii. O2 Events Pty Ltd (Event Organiser – in respect of event organisation): You can seek access to personal information that O2 Events Pty Ltd holds about you by contacting info@o2events.com.au
iii. Timing Sports (timing software provider – in respect of timing entrants): You can seek access to personal information that Timing Sports holds about you by contacting: privacy@timingsports.com. They will use and disclose your information in accordance with these terms and conditions and in accordance with (vii) below and otherwise in accordance with their privacy policy which you can see here: www. timingsports.com.au
iv. Register Now (registration software provider – in respect of registration of entrants): You can seek access to personal information that RegisterNow holds about you by contacting: info@registernow.com.au
v. CozaLive Media (Event PR): You can seek access to personal information that CozaLive Media holds about you by contacting office@cozalive.com.
vi. Emergency Services or Event Medical service providers in the case of a medical emergency.
vii. • Victorian State Government department or any other organisation/s as is reasonably necessary in relation to, and to assist with, matters relating to COVID 19, including for the purposes of contact tracing..
viii. HWT may disclose your postcode to the Department of Transport to help with public transport scheduling for the Event.
ix. HWT may also disclose your personal information if you are a prize winner or otherwise as required by law.
84) If you consent, your personal information will also be used for the purposes described in the relevant section of the online entry process by these organisations:
• SuperSport Images(Event photography): You can seek access to personal information that SuperSport Images holds about you by contacting: info@supersportimages.com
• GoFundraise (Online fundraising provider): You can access the personal information that GoFundraise holds about you by emailing privacy@gofundraise.com.au
Woodlea (Marketing Opt in): If you select “yes” you agree that we may provide your details (including your name, email address, postcode) to Woodlea for future event marketing. You can access the Woodlea privacy policy at:https://www.woodlea.com.au/privacy-policy. You can seek access to personal information that Woodlea holds about you by contacting: contact@woodlea.com.au
85) The organisations set out above may transfer your personal information outside of Australia. If you choose not to provide information, the organisations set out above may not be able to provide you with services in relation to the Event. The privacy policies of each of the organisations set out above contain information regarding how you may access and correct the personal information that they hold about you, and how you can complain about how they collect or use that personal information.
86) Further information about how HWT handles personal information, how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, how we deal with a complaint of that nature, how you can access or seek correction of your personal information and our contact details can be found in our Privacy Policy: https://preferences.news.com.au/privacy.
87) The Event Owner reserves the right to make alternations to these terms and conditions up to and including on the date of the Event. These alterations may be a result of Government guidelines, public health directives or requirements of organisations involved with the Event. Variations will be posted on the Event website, which entrants must review from time-to-time.
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